Yeditepe University Hospital’s Neurology Department diagnoses and treats adult and pediatric brain, nerve and muscle disease taking full advantage of our clinical experience and the latest technological advances.
Timely treatment within the first minutes and hours in cerebrovascular (stroke) cases can prevent permanent damage. Our 24-hour Stroke Center is fully equipped and staffed to perform emergency examination and intervention; patients are closely observed with neurologic intensive care and rehabilitation monitoring. Secondary preventive diagnostic and treatment procedures are also initiated after stroke incidents.
The diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, preoperative evaluation, long term video-EEG examinations, and neuro-psychological assessments are carried out using MR, PER-CT and SPECT tests.
Intraoperative imaging methods are used in the monitoring and prevention of possible disease.
- Neuro-psychology Laboratory: EEG, EMG, Transcranial Magnetic Simulation
- Balance Laboratory: Posturography
- Neurocognitive Laboratory
- Sleep Disorders Laboratory