

Cytochemistry is the biochemistry of cells especially that of the macromolecules responsible for cell structure and function. Yeditepe University Hospital is equipped with the most advanced technology and trained specialists to utilize the full range of Cytochemistry methods, often by means of staining reactions, radioactiveisotope uptake, selective metal distribution in electron microscopy, or other methods.


The Yeditepe University Hospital Cytopathology Laboratory diagnoses malignant and premalignant lesions and diseases on the microscopic level. One of the most common tests carried out here is the Pap test, one of the most successful cancer-screening tools ever developed. Other specimens reviewed include body fluids and fine needle aspirations. The Cytopathology Laboratory performs testing on specimens from virtually any body site, including the lungs, thyroid and urinary tract. The laboratory provides the latest in proven technology. Working as a team, Yeditepe University Hospital’s laboratory professionals promote excellence in patient care, research, education and continuous improvement within Yeditepe University Hospital’s celebrated multidisciplinary approach.

Exfoliative Cytology

The Yeditepe University Hospital Cytopathology Laboratory diagnoses malignant and premalignant lesions and diseases on the microscopic level. One of the most common tests carried out here is the Pap test, one of the most successful cancer-screening tools ever developed. Other specimens reviewed include body fluids and fine needle aspirations. The Cytopathology Laboratory performs testing on specimens from virtually any body site, including the lungs, thyroid and urinary tract. The laboratory provides the latest in proven technology. Working as a team, Yeditepe University Hospital’s laboratory professionals promote excellence in patient care, research, education and continuous improvement within our celebrated multidisciplinary approach.

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

Fine needle aspiration cytology is an inexpensive, non-traumatic technique for the diagnosis of disease sites. The method saves patients from inappropriate operations and investigations and allows Yeditepe University Hospital surgeons to plan quickly and more rationally. The procedure entails using a narrow gauge needle to collect a sample of a lesion for microscopic examination, allowing a minimally invasive, rapid diagnosis of tissue.

Fluorescent Microscopy

Fluorescent Microscopy is used to study specimens that are chemically manipulated to emit light. Microorganisms appear as bright objects against a dark background. The Yeditepe University Hospital laboratory technique employs fluorescent dyes chemically linked to antibodies to help identify unknown microorganisms.

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Histology is the microscopic study of the structure of cells and tissues using special techniques; histochemistry is the aspect of histology concerned with identifying chemical components in cells and tissues. Yeditepe University Hospital is fully equipped with the latest technology and expertise to conduct histochemical tests that are especially relevant in cancer cases.


The Yeditepe University Hospital laboratory processes samples for diagnosis as well as for research needs. A wide variety of special stains including immunohistochemical staining are available.


The immunohistochemistry lab at Yeditepe University Hospital offers a menu of numerous immunohistochemical tests. Immunohistochemical staining is widely used in the diagnosis of abnormal cells such as those found in cancerous tumors.

Intraoperative Pathology Consultation (Frozen)

Yeditepe University Hospital physicians and laboratory specialists conduct intraoperative consultations to provide the surgeon with immediate information concerning the nature of a lesion, to assess the adequacy of the sample, or to evaluate margins.

Thinprep Examinations

Yeditepe University Hospital employs the Thin Prep Pap Test, recognized as the most trusted, most widely used, most comprehensive pap test available. It is more accurate than a conventional “pap smear”, and when combined at Yeditepe University Hospital with the Thin Prep Imaging System, even more disease is detected.

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News & Patient Stories

Ashamed To Speak, Reborn In His New Voice

Mehmet Ökten, 21 years old and from Şanlıurfa, had many problems for years due to his high-pitched voice. So much so that it was even thought that she was a woman while talking on the phone…

Came To Turkey To Get Rid Of Colostomy Bag

Cornel Sırbu, from Romania, learned that he had colon cancer during colonoscopy examination. In operation performed, Sırbu’s large intestine was taken out of the abdomen and attached to a ‘colostomy bag’.

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