Arranging Your Treatment

There are a number of ways to access treatment at Yeditepe University Healthcare Institutions, be it through private medical cover, or paying for your own treatment.

We are recognized by most major private health insurance companies. If you do not have private cover, or are not covered for the particular tests or procedure you are scheduled to undergo, you can pay for your own treatment.

We re Here to Help

Get a Second medical opinion on Yeditepe University Hospitals. It gives you access to the Best Doctors’ network of the world’s leading medical specialists, enabling you to get a free second opinion on any diagnosis or treatment.


If required, Yeditepe can also arrange treatment for international patients, whether through an agency, diplomatic mission, or direct from your home country. We have an international patient services department with dedicated experts and interpreters to help patients from overseas access the entire range of healthcare services at Yeditepe University Healthcare Institutions.

Meet MedicaTürk, Our International Patients Department

As Yeditepe Healthcare Group, we are presenting you our own International Patient department MedicaTürk.

Medicatürk focusing only on a seamless patient journey, helping patients on their travels to Yeditepe from beginning to end.

Ashamed To Speak, Reborn In His New Voice

Mehmet Ökten, 21 years old and from Şanlıurfa, had many problems for years due to his high-pitched voice. So much so that it was even thought that she was a woman while talking on the phone…

Came To Turkey To Get Rid Of Colostomy Bag

Cornel Sırbu, from Romania, learned that he had colon cancer during colonoscopy examination. In operation performed, Sırbu’s large intestine was taken out of the abdomen and attached to a ‘colostomy bag’.

Book an appointment

To request an appointment at a Yeditepe Hospital, use the form below.