Mehmet Ökten, 21 years old and from Şanlıurfa, had many problems for years due to his high-pitched voice. So much so that it was even thought that she was a woman while talking on the phone…
Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. When any one of these elements is disrupted, the others are affected and it becomes hard to maintain a happy life. In particular, sexual health encompasses all these elements. Sexuality is influenced by social values, judgments and beliefs in every society. For this reason, although such issues are widespread among men and women of every age, they are reticent about revealing any sexual health issues they may be facing and consulting a doctor.
Spoke to Yeditepe University Hospital’s Department of Urology specialist about this important issue that continues to blight the lives of men and women throughout the world.
What Kind of Sexual Problems Arise?
Sexual problems include all kinds of psychological, social and cultural issues that obstruct individuals or couples from establishing and maintaining a healthy and fulfilling sex life. These range from sexrelated fear and anxiety, feelings of guilt or shame, a lack of sexual desire and frigidity, an inability to establish sexual intimacy, pain or contractions during intercourse, erectile dysfunction in men premature ejaculation or difficulty in ejaculating in men, an inability to be aroused or reach orgasm in women, or fixations or fears concerning matters like masturbation and homosexuality. We should add to this list incompatibilities, differences of perception and approach that may underlie relationship difficulties in couples.
What is The Frequency of Sexual Dysfunction in Men?
The most frequently occurring sexual dysfunction in men is erectile dysfunction. Global research shows that 55% of men experience mild, moderate or severe erectile dysfunction between the ages of 40 and 70. 15% of adult men, and 30% of men over 50, encounter loss of sexual desire. 30% of men suffer from premature ejaculation while 10% sometimes experience an inability to ejaculate or delayed ejaculation.
And the Frequency of Such Issues in Women?
The most frequently occurring issues in women are lack of sexual desire, together with difficulties or an inability to reach orgasm. The frequency of these issues is similar in women. One in three women complain of a more or less total lack of sexual desire at some point during their lives, while 30-50% experience difficulties reaching orgasm. The third-ranking issue is what is medically termed vaginismus, a diagnosable condition in which a psychological fear or phobia of intercourse causes spasmodic contractions in the muscles at the entrance to the vagina in response to physical contact or pressure.
What are The Causes of Sexual Dysfunction?
The causes may be physical conditions related to vascular disease, high blood pressure or diabetes, or there may be underlying psychogenic reasons. One cannot always make a strict categorization. Every condition may contain elements of both.
What Should One do if One is Experiencing Sexual Dysfunction?
Sexual dysfunction is a matter of concern to both men and women; it includes both physical and psychological dimensions. For this reason, evaluation by a specialist in a particular field of expertise may not be sufficient. Modern medical practice involves resolution with the advice and support of a team of experts in fields such as urology, psychology and gynecology.
How is The Correct Course of Treatment Determined?
The initial evaluation seeks to establish whether the issue is physical or psychological (or both). Consultations are held with concerned specialists, the diagnosis is confirmed and the appropriate course of treatment begins. Treatment possibilities range from courses of medication to psychological treatment, sexual treatment options, sexual therapy and surgery.